Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

34 Automating Mif2Go conversions > 34.5 Supplying run-time values for user variables > 34.5.1 Assigning an initial value to a user variable

34.5.1 Assigning an initial value to a user variable

To be prompted for the value of a user variable, you must assign the variable an initial default value in the following section:


; User variables can be used in book commands, in macros, or both.

; Enclose each variable in <$$...>.

; The [UserVars] section is searched after section [MacroVariables]

; in the .ini file, but before the same section in the macros file.

varname=initial value

The value you assign is the value Mif2Go displays via the Edit User Variable dialog at run time. If you change the value via the Edit User Variable dialog, Mif2Go stores the new value in the configuration file in place of the initial default value. See §34.5.5 Inspecting and editing values of user variables

Note:  The [UserVar] section must be in your project configuration file, not in a configuration template. See §30.6.2 Deciding what to include in a general configuration template

34 Automating Mif2Go conversions > 34.5 Supplying run-time values for user variables > 34.5.1 Assigning an initial value to a user variable