Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.8 Managing typographic elements for HTML or XML > 21.8.1 Deciding whether to suppress typographic elements

21.8.1 Deciding whether to suppress typographic elements

You might want to suppress some or all typographic elements for either of the following reasons:

To ensure that output is free of direct formatting, because:

you are producing XML output, or

your output uses CSS.

To make overrides show up in the output, so you can insert semantic tags or subsequently provide better formatting in FrameMaker.

For XML output, including DITA XML and DocBook XML, the default is to suppress all typographic elements.

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.8 Managing typographic elements for HTML or XML > 21.8.1 Deciding whether to suppress typographic elements